Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 12

V12 N2 Pages 4-9

March 2014

Relevance of Student Resources in a Flipped MIS Classroom

Joni K. Adkins
Northwest Missouri State University
Marysville, MO 64468, USA

Abstract: Flipped classrooms are gaining popularity in various educational settings as proponents report several benefits. In order for flipped classrooms to be successful, students must take responsibility for certain assignments outside of class time. In this study, Management Information Systems students were to textbook material by reading the chapter or lecture notes, and/or listening to the audio lecture in preparation for a quiz at the beginning of class. Class time was then used for learning activities. Positive relationships were found between reading the textbook, reading the lecture notes, and time spent preparing for the quiz and the dependent variable, quiz grade. Discussion of results, limitations, and suggestions for future research are also included.

Keywords: active learning , flipped classroom, learning styles, quizzes, textbook reading

Download this article: ISEDJ - V12 N2 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Adkins, J. K. (2014). Relevance of Student Resources in a Flipped MIS Classroom . Information Systems Education Journal, 12(2) pp 4-9. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2013)