Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 12

V12 N3 Pages 59-66

May 2014

Majoring in Information Systems: Reasons Why Students Select (or not) Information Systems as a Major

Johnny Snyder
Colorado Mesa University
Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA

Gayla . Slauson
Colorado Mesa University
Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA

Abstract: Filling the pipeline for information systems workers is critical in the information era. Projected growth rates for jobs requiring information systems expertise are significantly higher than the projected growth rates for other jobs. Why then do relatively few students choose to major in information systems? This paper reviews survey results from about two hundred freshmen business students at a medium sized western university. The survey asked these students to share their perceptions of jobs that do not require information systems skills, of skills employers look for in new employees, of reasons that peers major in information systems disciplines, and of reasons they do not. This research suggests further exploration of reasons students and professionals chose information systems as a field of study and work. It also suggests using a survey group other than general business majors.

Keywords: Career Selection, College Major, Information Systems

Download this article: ISEDJ - V12 N3 Page 59.pdf

Recommended Citation: Snyder, J., Slauson, G. .. (2014). Majoring in Information Systems: Reasons Why Students Select (or not) Information Systems as a Major. Information Systems Education Journal, 12(3) pp 59-66. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2013)