Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 14

V14 N5 Pages 71-79

September 2016

Information Systems Education: The Case for the Academic Cloud

Lionel Mew
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173, USA

Abstract: This paper discusses how cloud computing can be leveraged to add value to academic programs in information systems and other fields by improving financial sustainment models for institutional technology and academic departments, relieving the strain on overworked technology support resources, while adding richness and improving pedagogical delivery of course content. A literature review on cloud definitions and how cloud paradigms are being implemented in academia is conducted. The author suggests that for smaller programs and institutions, cloud hosting of applications, services and platforms in support of information systems programs may be the only financially viable solution to course technology requirements. The impact of transitioning core information systems courses to a cloud paradigm is discussed, and examples of how the transition can improve course content and delivery are provided. Finally, details are presented on how a transition to the cloud is being accomplished in the information systems program of the school of continuing studies at the author’s small liberal arts university.

Keywords: Academic Computing, Cloud Computing, cloud virtual machine, emerging technologies, emerging technologies, information systems education

Download this article: ISEDJ - V14 N5 Page 71.pdf

Recommended Citation: Mew, L. (2016). Information Systems Education: The Case for the Academic Cloud. Information Systems Education Journal, 14(5) pp 71-79. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2015)