Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 16

V16 N1 Pages 13-20

February 2018

Introducing the Cloud in an Introductory IT Course

David Woods
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Abstract: Cloud computing is a rapidly emerging topic, but should it be included in an introductory IT course? The magnitude of cloud computing use, especially cloud infrastructure, along with students’ limited knowledge of the topic support adding cloud content to the IT curriculum. There are several arguments that support including cloud computing in an introductory course. In light of this, several cloud computing activities based on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud offerings were added to an introduction to IT course. Student and instructor perceptions of the activities and the AWS service are evaluated and future plans are discussed.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, IT Education, Reflective Learning, Intro IT

Download this article: ISEDJ - V16 N1 Page 13.pdf

Recommended Citation: Woods, D. (2018). Introducing the Cloud in an Introductory IT Course. Information Systems Education Journal, 16(1) pp 13-20. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2017)